
Worlds strictest parents s04e02
Worlds strictest parents s04e02

worlds strictest parents s04e02 worlds strictest parents s04e02

He does things to his mum to annoy her because she is anoying. He takes and likes his speed, cake and acid and has made bongs.

worlds strictest parents s04e02

In truth.these kids will come home, have a month of 'realisation' about being well behaved and being thankful for what they have, then, due to their parents not having changed/learned anything at all, they will just return to their previous slovenly selves and end up stacking shelves. he descirbes himself as cool, roudy, mischief, picks fights. The problem is, the moral of the show is that the kids come back 'mended' and improve as they have learned the respect and values of these so-called 'strict' parents. Emily and Harry are bound for the small Irish village of Whitechurch to live with Mary, John, and their five children. No smoking and no drinking for their kids, I don't see that as an unreasonable rule for a parent. Not really very strict in the slightest, just with good decent morals in which their kids are brought up with self-respect. I think the Indian family seem really nice. I know, I was just thinking that.why would a parent admit on national TV that they let their kid smoke cannabis? Where does she get it from and why would they just stand back and tolerate it?

Worlds strictest parents s04e02